Who Should Treat TMJ Dysfunction?

November 27, 2017

man in pain holding jawPatients who suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction are often unsure who to visit to treat their condition. This is actually a complicated question. However, the best place to start is a trip to your general dentist. They are highly trained in the way the jaw and skull work together, and they can help you understand the underlying cause of your TMJ dysfunction. Keep reading to learn more about TMJ dysfunction, its causes, and available treatment options.

Comfortable Treatment for Sleep Apnea in Coral Springs

June 1, 2017

stop snoring with treatment for sleep apnea in coral springs Sleep apnea affects millions of US kids and adults. This common sleep disorder occurs when patients stop breathing for ten or more seconds at a time up to 100s of times at night. There are two main forms of apnea: central and obstructive. Central sleep apnea is less common, and it occurs when the brain ceases to trigger the body to inhale during sleep. The more common form, obstructive sleep apnea, occurs when the throat is physically blocked, obstructing airflow. Sleep doctors typically treat obstructive apnea using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) systems. While this solution is beneficial and effective for many patients, there are those who find themselves unable to adjust to the use of CPAP systems or inadequately helped with these treatments. For these patients, the dentists and team at Coral Springs Dentistry can help. We offer oral appliance therapy as an alternative to CPAP as well as providing combined therapy to improve the effectiveness of CPAP.

Teeth Whitening in Coral Springs: Make Your Smile Sparkle!

March 8, 2011

It happens to almost everyone. One day, you look in the mirror and notice dull, discolored teeth in place of your once-bright smile. You don’t have to settle for a lackluster appearance. At our Coral Springs dental office, we offer a fast, economical, and proven way to turn up the wattage on your smile: professional teeth whitening.

Dr. Walter Kulick, Dr. Jonathan Cohen, and Dr. Shayan Ghodsi deliver comprehensive dentistry at our Coral Springs office. In-office and take-home teeth whitening provides dramatic results to make your smile look younger and healthier. (more…)

Stop Snoring & Sleep Better in Coral Springs

February 23, 2011

If you snore, you’re in good – or, at least, noisy – company! An estimated 80 million people in North America snore. Many of those folks suffer from sleep apnea, as well.

Coral Springs dentists Dr. Walter Kulick, Dr. Jonathan Cohen, and Dr. Shayan Ghodsi can help you stop snoring and get a good night’s rest. They offer non-invasive, non-CPAP therapy to eliminate sleep apnea and the snoring that goes along with it. (more…)

Laser Dentistry: Innovative Care from your Coral Springs Dental Team

February 8, 2011

Tremendous advances have been made in the field of dentistry. Perhaps one of the most important innovations is the use of lasers.

In Coral Springs, patients of Dr. Walter Kulick, Dr. Jonathan Cohen, and Dr. Shayan Ghodsi benefit from the best of modern dental care. The doctors use a soft-tissue laser to perform minimally invasive treatments that result in beautiful, healthy smiles.

Precise, Comfortable Care
A soft-tissue laser uses a beam of focused light energy to treat a specific area without impacting surrounding tissue. Laser dentistry is comfortable, fast, and effective. By using a laser in place of invasive dental tools, your Coral Springs dentist increases your comfort while in the dental chair – and after you leave. (more…)

Get Your Smile Back with Dental Implants in Coral Springs

January 25, 2011

Traditional replacement teeth serve a purpose, but they’re not the ideal solution if you have missing teeth or a denture that slips or clicks. Dental implants have revolutionized restorative dentistry. They provide an alternative that mimics a natural tooth in every way.

In Coral Springs, Dr. Walter Kulick, Dr. Jonathan Cohen, and Dr. Shayan Ghodsi specialize in comprehensive implant dentistry. They place and restore dental implants to help patients just like you experience a beautiful smile and a return to oral comfort and function. (more…)