Comfortable Treatment for Sleep Apnea in Coral Springs

June 1, 2017

stop snoring with treatment for sleep apnea in coral springs Sleep apnea affects millions of US kids and adults. This common sleep disorder occurs when patients stop breathing for ten or more seconds at a time up to 100s of times at night. There are two main forms of apnea: central and obstructive. Central sleep apnea is less common, and it occurs when the brain ceases to trigger the body to inhale during sleep. The more common form, obstructive sleep apnea, occurs when the throat is physically blocked, obstructing airflow. Sleep doctors typically treat obstructive apnea using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) systems. While this solution is beneficial and effective for many patients, there are those who find themselves unable to adjust to the use of CPAP systems or inadequately helped with these treatments. For these patients, the dentists and team at Coral Springs Dentistry can help. We offer oral appliance therapy as an alternative to CPAP as well as providing combined therapy to improve the effectiveness of CPAP.

Benefits of Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral appliance therapy utilizes the repositioning of the jaw to place pressure on the throat muscles. This same idea plays into the positioning of the head during CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation where the head is shifted back and jaw shifted forward in order to clear the airway. Oral appliances perform this same function by placing gentle pressure on the jaw to shift it forward opening the airway. This allows sleep apnea sufferers to breathe deeply and sleep soundly throughout the night. Many patients find they prefer oral appliance therapy to CPAP for numerous reasons including:

  • It’s more comfortable and quiet than CPAP.
  • It’s easier to adjust to the feeling of wearing the oral appliance.
  • Oral appliances are easily transported even by plane.

Combined CPAP & Oral Appliance Therapy

Patients who have severe sleep apnea may find themselves benefitting from the combined use of CPAP and oral appliance therapy. The oral appliance opens the airway, and patients experience less sensation from the CPAP system. In some cases, patients are able to use their CPAP system on a lower setting, which is often much more comfortable. Additionally, for some patients, the combination of the two treatments improves the effectiveness of each, making them ideal for patients with severe sleep apnea.

Find Out More from Your Coral Springs Sleep Apnea Dentist

At Coral Spring Dentistry, we are happy to offer sleep apnea therapies. If you’re interested in finding out more about oral appliance or combined sleep apnea therapy from our team, call to schedule your sleep apnea consultation today.

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