Teeth Whitening in Coral Springs: Make Your Smile Sparkle!

March 8, 2011

It happens to almost everyone. One day, you look in the mirror and notice dull, discolored teeth in place of your once-bright smile. You don’t have to settle for a lackluster appearance. At our Coral Springs dental office, we offer a fast, economical, and proven way to turn up the wattage on your smile: professional teeth whitening.

Dr. Walter Kulick, Dr. Jonathan Cohen, and Dr. Shayan Ghodsi deliver comprehensive dentistry at our Coral Springs office. In-office and take-home teeth whitening provides dramatic results to make your smile look younger and healthier.

Whiten in Our Office
If you’ve got about an hour after work, during lunch, or while the kids are at school, then you can brighten your smile up to 10 shades at our Coral Springs office. We’ll apply specially formulated bleaching gel to your teeth that safe’s for your smile but tough on stains. Activating the gel with a special light causes discolorations deep within tooth enamel and dentin to disappear.

Bleach at Home
If you want to set your own whitening schedule, then take-home bleaching may be the right bleaching method for you. We’ll use an impression of your smile to create custom-made bleaching trays that fit the specific contours of your mouth. Insert the whitening gel in the trays as wear as directed for consistent whitening and dramatic results following ten days to two weeks of daily use.

Professional teeth whitening is one of the safest dental treatments available. It works quickly and effectively to eliminate stains and discolorations caused by the aging process, food, beverages, and some medications.

Don’t let discolored teeth drag you down. Revive your smile and your self-image with teeth whitening from our Coral Springs cosmetic dentists. Call today to schedule your appointment.

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