Come Get Your Smile Makeover at Coral Springs Dentistry!

August 22, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralsprings @ 2:57 pm

Your smile makeover at Coral Springs Dentistry is waiting for you!The first person through the door at the Broward Stage Theatre is always you. Something about live theater makes the material connect with you entirely on a different level than movies. The shows are classics, but they feel renewed, brought back to life by new actors, singers, and dancers. Each one of them is flashing a radiant smile the entire time, sharing their joy for theater. You only wish that your smile could look like theirs. From where you’re sitting in the audience they look perfect. How could you make yours look just as bright? Your answer is with a smile makeover at Coral Springs Dentistry.

What Is A Smile Makeover?

Many procedures used to improve teeth can be quite involved. A smile makeover is how we can improve the appearance of your smile without having to perform any extensive procedures. It is quick, painless, and leads to a dramatic result. How do we actually makeover your smile? We have 3 ways of doing this:

  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Cosmetic Bonding

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thing extremely thin coverings we bond to the front of your teeth to improve color, alignment, and a host of other dental issues. Firstly, you and Dr. Kulick, Dr. Cohen, or Dr. Ghodsi will discuss your goals for your smile to determine if veneers are the best option for you. If yes, then they will gently shape your teeth in order to accommodate the veneers. Upon your next visit, one of the doctors will bond the veneers to your teeth. They are made out of a high-quality porcelain that is both beautiful and durable, and are installed with a bond you can trust in your day to day life. The result is a vastly whiter, more brilliant smile.

What About Teeth Whitening?

Teeth can become discolored from a myriad of reasons, with the most common being coffee, wine, or age. White teeth are one of the strongest social signifiers in our society. Many people associate an array positive qualities with someone who has a bright, healthy smile. One of the ways we can accomplish this is through teeth whitening. We can either whiten your teeth in the office or give you a kit to do it at home. Whitening in the office is the quickest method and usually lasts under an hour, so you can be camera ready the day of your big event. If you have a little time and want to whiten on your own schedule, our take home kits are easy to follow and give you quality results. It’s all up to your preference.

What Is Cosmetic Bonding?

Minor issues such as chipped, gapped, or slightly misaligned teeth can be quickly and thoroughly fixed through cosmetic bonding. For this treatment we use a liquid resin to shape and augment your existing teeth to create a better overall aesthetic appearance. This can be accomplished in one brief visit. People with cosmetic bonding also tend to use teeth whitening to help match the color between the bonding and their natural enamel. Bonding is one of the quickest ways to visually improve your teeth.

We Have the Treatment for You

Cosmetic dentistry at Coral Springs Dentistry is fast, painless, and will your leave your smile shining. If you are looking for an easy way to bring your smile to the next level, come and see us!

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