How to Treat Your Sleep Apnea in Coral Springs

September 12, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralsprings @ 5:05 pm

Here are your options to treat sleep apnea in Coral Springs. You are jolted out of a sound sleep. You hesitantly look over at the clock because you know you won’t like what you see. It reads 4:09AM, exactly 5 minutes after the last time you looked at it, which was 5 minutes after the other time. You keep waking up like this and it is killing you during the day. Your head hurts, and your focus is all over the place. Most people fantasize about secluded beaches and colorful drinks, while your daydreaming always limited to your bed. You may be suffering from sleep apnea, a condition that affects millions of Americans every night. Sleep apnea is a very serious sleep disorder and should be treated as soon as you are diagnosed. Here’s how you can treat your sleep apnea in Coral Springs with help from Coral Spring Dentistry.

Wait, What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition where your airway is disrupted or blocked while you sleep. This can happen multiple times over the course of one sleep cycle, and it does not always wake the person. This occurs because when you lay down to sleep, the tissues in the mouth and throat become relaxed. These can end up closing off the airway, preventing you from breathing for a short period of time. Sleep apnea has been shown to lead to things such as:

  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Higher risk of diabetes
  • Higher risk of heart disease
  • Higher risk of stroke

Of course the biggest effect is how you feel when you are awake, namely being exhausted. It is hard to accomplish anything when are sleep deprived, and it can easily affect your personal and professional life.

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Once you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, there are a few ways it can be treated. One common way is with a CPAP machine, which continually pumps air into a patient in order to keep the airway unobstructed. Another type of treatment can come from your dentist in Coral Springs, namely a SomnoDent Oral Appliance.  This is a customized mouth guard that you would wear to bed each night. It keeps your airway open by slightly shifting your jaw forward, preventing the airway from being closed. Every oral appliance is custom fitted to each patient and made of durable yet flexible material. While some patients can be treated effectively with one or the other, often patients will find the greatest benefit from both. The oral appliance keeps the airway open, which the CPAP machine continually provides air for the patient. Many CPAP patients have seen their sleep improved when combined with an oral appliance.

What Should I Do?

The only way to figure out if an oral appliance or CPAP machine can help treat your sleep apnea is to come visit us at Coral Springs Dentistry. That way our team can evaluate your particular situation and prescribe the best course of treatment. Restful sleep is now a possibility for you, so please make an appointment with us today.

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