Sleep Apnea in Coral Springs Causes More Than Just a Restless Night

November 13, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:07 am

Sleep apnea in Coral Springs causes more than just a restless night. Have you recently been accused of snoring loudly during the night? Do you ever wake up with headaches? Do you find yourself feeling exhausted by the afternoon? If you answered yes to any of these questions, did you know you could be suffering from sleep apnea? This sleep disorder causes you to wake up multiple times during the night due to an airway obstruction that blocks your oxygen intake. Sleep apnea in Coral Springs causes more than just a restless night, however your trusted team at Coral Springs Dentistry has solutions for you.

What is Sleep Apnea?

A good night’s rest is so important for your body to be able to rejuvenate itself. Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder that occurs when your oxygen is cut off by an airway obstruction. The lack of oxygen signals your brain to wake you up, and though you may not realize it, this can happen hundreds of times during the night. Because you’re waking up multiple times during the night your body and your organs are not getting the rest they need.

Patients who suffer from sleep apnea may experience:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Difficulties focusing or concentrating during the day
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Weight gain

Loud snoring during the night is also a telltale sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can sometimes be difficult to diagnose as these symptoms can often be attributed to other health concerns.

The Effects of Sleep Apnea

Other than robbing you of much needed rest, sleep apnea affects your quality of life. If left untreated, it can contribute to a number of serious health concerns such as diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart failure. It’s important to treat this sleep disorder so you can reclaim your life and your health.

At Coral Springs Dentistry, our doctors have extensive training and experience in helping patients manage this debilitating disorder. If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, we’re happy to partner with your physician to ensure that you receive the most effective treatment for your needs. CPAP therapy can often be combined with, or even replaced by a customized oral appliance depending on the severity of your sleep apnea.

Contact our office today to learn more about how we can help you get a good night’s rest once again.

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