Dental Implants in Coral Springs, FL

June 28, 2016

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: , , , — coralsprings @ 4:53 pm

dental implantsIf you have missing teeth, then replacement is a must—not only for the sake of your appearance, but also to ensure that you are able to eat, speak and smile without feeling self-conscious. And while there’s more than one way to replace a missing tooth, a dental implant looks, feels and functions more like a natural tooth than any of the other options. Read on to find out how dental implants in Coral Springs, FL, are transforming smiles and changing lives.

Dental Implants from Your Cosmetic Dentist in Coral Springs

You might be asking yourself, “What is a dental implant?” The explanation is rather straightforward. A dental implant is a substitute for a missing tooth root. One of the dentists at Coral Springs Dentistry carefully embeds the implant in your jawbone beneath the open socket of your missing tooth. Eventually, this new tooth “root” will support a tooth restoration, such as a porcelain crown or an implant-retained denture.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

According to the American Dental Association, dentists place more than 5.5 million implants annually. And it’s no wonder, because implants offer so many advantages, including:

  • Dental implants will not shift or click the way dentures can.
  • Jawbone health. Substituting for a natural tooth root, a dental implant stimulates healthy new bone cell growth, so your face retains a natural appearance.
  • Implants are permanent teeth replacements. As such, they cannot be removed and require the same oral hygiene regimen as your natural teeth.

In addition to these benefits, implants also do not have any affect on adjacent teeth and they prevent these teeth from shifting out of position.

Receiving Dental Implants

Dental implants are placed in our office by one of your cosmetic dentists in Coral Springs. A local anesthesia is administered and then the dentist makes a small incision in your gum tissue in order to surgically embed the implant. Made of biocompatible titanium, the implant fuses with the surrounding bone tissue as you heal over the following few months. Once this process is completed, you’ll return to our office to have the tooth restoration attached to the implant. A porcelain crown is used to replace a single missing tooth and an implant-retained denture can replace an entire arch.

Call Our Office Today

If you would like to learn more about dental implants or any other type of cosmetic dentistry Coral Spring Dentistry offers, then please contact us today.

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