Cosmetic Dentist in Coral Springs Answers Common Questions About Dental Implants

August 15, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:30 pm

Answers about dental implants from your cosmetic dentist in Coral Springs.A missing tooth greatly impacts the quality of your life. You may feel embarrassed or self-conscious about your appearance. You may also find that chewing and even talking become more challenging. There are many options out there for replacing one or more missing teeth, and it can be hard to navigate the choices. Dental implants are by far the best replacement option and your cosmetic dentist in Coral Springs answers some of the most common questions asked about dental implants.

Is Dental Implant Surgery Painful?

The answer to this question is no. In fact, you may be surprised to find that your surgery can take place in the comfort of your dentist’s office under local anesthesia, and can be completed in less than an hour depending on how many implants are being placed. Most patients report that implant surgery is actually more comfortable than having a tooth extracted.

How Long Does It Take To Get My Implant Crowns?

Depending on how many implants you’re having placed, there is a certain amount of healing time that has to take place in order for your bone to integrate with the titanium post acting as your new root, and to ensure the strength, success, and longevity of your implants. Typical healing periods are anywhere from 2-6 months. Your new porcelain crown will be placed after the healing time.

Dental implants can also be used to support dental bridges, partials, and dentures, which offers a more secure fit. These options are both excellent choices for patients who are missing multiple or all of their teeth.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

A successful dental implant has the potential to last a lifetime with excellent home care and regular dental check ups. Even though initially they may be more expensive than a dental bridge or partial, the fact that they last so long actually makes them more cost-effective in the long run, as bridges and partials will eventually need to be replaced.

How Should I Care For My Dental Implant?

An implant functions just like your natural tooth, so you’ll be able to brush and floss as you always have. Regular visits to your dentist to ensure that your implant is healthy are also recommended. Because an implant closely mimics your natural tooth, you’ll be able to eat, chew, talk and smile as you did before your missing tooth.

At Coral Springs Dentistry, our team of highly skilled doctors specializes in helping patients restore their smiles with dental implants. Our doctors offer comprehensive implant care, which means that you’ll be able to complete your treatment from start to finish in the comfort of our office without being referred elsewhere.

If you’ve struggled with a missing tooth, contact our office today to learn more about dental implants in Coral Springs.

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