How to Keep Your New Porcelain Veneers Shining Bright

January 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralsprings @ 4:49 pm

beautiful white porcelain veneers on jaw modelIf you’ve recently gotten your perfect smile with porcelain veneers in Coral Springs, congratulations! These ultra-thin shells of beautiful porcelain are a natural-looking and durable solution for teeth that are cracked, chipped, stained, or misshaped. However, just like your natural teeth, you need to take good care of them in order to keep them looking beautiful and healthy. Here are the five best things you can do to keep your porcelain veneers as dazzling as the day you got them for decades to come!

Stop Bad Chewing Habits

Porcelain veneers are strong, but they’re not impervious to bad chewing habits. If you chew on pen caps, ice, or your fingernails, you could drastically shorten the lifespan of your veneers. The extra pressure wears down the durability of the porcelain, which can eventually cause them to chip or crack. Talk to your dentist or use over-the-counter products to kick these bad habits and protect your new smile.

Identify and Treat Bruxism

If you often wake up with a sore jaw or sensitive teeth, you may grind your teeth in your sleep. This condition is known as bruxism, and it can have a serious impact on your entire mouth. Not only can it break your porcelain veneers over time, but this condition can also damage your natural teeth and jaw joint. Thankfully, your dentist can easily identify bruxism at your regular dental checkup and create a custom nightguard for you.

Keep Up a Great Dental Routine

Even though porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, you still need to brush the natural surfaces of your teeth daily. Not only will this keep your natural teeth from discoloring and causing your veneers to stand out, but it will also help you prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Cavities can damage the tooth underneath the veneer and change its hue, while gum disease can stain the edges of your veneers.

Use the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

When cleaning your veneers, stay away from hard-bristled toothbrushes and abrasive, whitening toothpastes. These products will scratch away at the finish of your veneers and make them look dull. Only use toothbrushes with soft bristles and gentle toothpastes with the American Dental Association’s Seal of Approval to keep your veneers strong and shiny.

Get Your Veneers Polished

Routinely visiting your cosmetic dentist can keep your smile shining like new for many years. They can use specialized solutions and equipment to polish your veneers and clean your natural teeth. Regular checkups also allow them to keep tabs on the health of your veneers and fix any small problems before they become larger issues.

Taking care of your porcelain veneers with these simple tips can keep them as dazzling as the day you got them. With the proper care, you can keep your new smile shining bright for 20 years or more!

About the Practice

At Coral Springs Dentistry, we want to help you achieve a healthy smile that you can’t wait to show off. We are proud to showcase the talents of three highly skilled dentists as well as our in-house periodontist, who combine their advanced training and years of experience to meet all your dentalcare needs. They would love to help you get the smile you’ve always wanted with porcelain veneers, so feel free to contact them at their website or at (954) 341-0500.

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