Stop Snoring & Sleep Better in Coral Springs

February 23, 2011

If you snore, you’re in good – or, at least, noisy – company! An estimated 80 million people in North America snore. Many of those folks suffer from sleep apnea, as well.

Coral Springs dentists Dr. Walter Kulick, Dr. Jonathan Cohen, and Dr. Shayan Ghodsi can help you stop snoring and get a good night’s rest. They offer non-invasive, non-CPAP therapy to eliminate sleep apnea and the snoring that goes along with it.

Why do I snore?
As you sleep, the soft tissues in your throat may collapse in on each other, restricting air flow. These tissues vibrate as air moves through the narrowed airways, and the sound we know as snoring occurs.

Is snoring dangerous?
Not by itself. But the compressed passageways that contribute to snoring can also cause lapses in breathing. You’re said to suffer from sleep apnea if your breathing repeatedly stops for 10 seconds or longer during the night.

When your brain senses a lack of oxygen, it triggers your body to wake up and breathe. Some sleep apnea sufferers unknowingly enter a lighter stage of sleep. Some wake up entirely.

Sleep apnea has been linked to heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and other conditions that endanger the quality – and length – of your life. Sufferers of this condition also experience daytime sleepiness, irritability, and mental confusion. The risk of automobile and work-related injuries increase, as well.

How can I stop snoring and eliminate my sleep apnea?
Following a medical diagnosis of sleep apnea, one of our dentists can create a custom-made nightguard for you. We use SomoDent® nightguards because of their quality and proven results.

The SomnoDent MAS is a small oral appliance made of comfortable acrylic. It fits the unique contours of your mouth and holds the jaw in a comfortable position. Airways remain opening, and quiet, unobstructed breathing resumes.

If you or someone you love snores, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at our Coral Springs dental office. We’ll deliver personalized care to restore peaceful slumber that contributes to good health and wellbeing.

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