Who Should Treat TMJ Dysfunction?

November 27, 2017

man in pain holding jawPatients who suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction are often unsure who to visit to treat their condition. This is actually a complicated question. However, the best place to start is a trip to your general dentist. They are highly trained in the way the jaw and skull work together, and they can help you understand the underlying cause of your TMJ dysfunction. Keep reading to learn more about TMJ dysfunction, its causes, and available treatment options.

Visiting a Dentist VS a Medical Doctor

TMJ dysfunction occurs when the small joints attaching the jaw to the skull are damaged or strained. It makes moving the jaw to speak, smile, yawn, or chew uncomfortable, and in severe cases, TMJ dysfunction can lead to pain or difficulty opening and closing the mouth. A dentist is the most likely health care provider to diagnose TMJ dysfunction during a routine dental checkup. With years of advanced training and education in oral and facial function, the dentist will typically be the ideal practitioner to treat this oral health condition. Medical doctors may be needed to help with more advanced cases of TMJ dysfunction, especially if surgical intervention is needed.

Common Warning Signs of TMJ Dysfunction

Let your dentist know during your regular checkup if you notice any of the following warning signs of TMJ dysfunction:

  • Jaw pain, especially while opening and closing the mouth
  • Difficulty or inability to move the jaw without pain
  • Radiating head, neck, and back pain
  • Clicking or grinding sound when opening the mouth

Treatment Options

In most cases, we’ll begin by trying to help patients relieve pain. Whenever possible, we’ll recommend over the counter pain relievers and cold compresses to reduce swelling and inflammation. These pain relieving steps are often combined with a set of stretching exercises that will relieve strain and help to train the jaw to rest in comfortable positions. If this is not effective in relieving pain and renewing oral health, we will likely move on to using a nightguard to reposition the jaw during sleep. These oral appliances keep the jaw in the most comfortable resting position throughout the night to ensure comfort. Some patients need orthodontic treatment using braces or clear aligners to correct the position of the jaw permanently. In the most advanced cases, medical or surgical treatment may be necessary.

Meet the Coral Springs Dentistry Team

At Coral Springs Dentistry, we’re happy to offer a wide range of TMJ therapies to help relieve pain and renew oral health. If you have any of the common warning signs of TMJ dysfunction, please contact our Coral Springs dentist and team.  We’ll evaluate your smile and help you find the right treatments to relieve jaw pain and renew your healthy, pain free smile. We offer a wide range of treatment options for TMJ dysfunction sufferers and to improve general dental health through preventive and restorative dentistry solutions. We invite patients from Coral Springs and all other nearby communities to partner with our team to create a personalized dental care plan to keep smiles healthy for life.

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