TMJ Therapy in Coral Springs

December 19, 2016

Filed under: TMJ Therapy — Tags: , , — coralsprings @ 9:54 pm

For TMJ therapy, Coral Springs Dentistry offers non-invasive treatment. Has this ever happened to you? You’re out to dinner with friends and just as you open your mouth to bite into that juicy hamburger, a stabbing pain forces you to put down the burger and start massaging the side of your face. The reason may be TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder. This condition is estimated to affect more than 10 million Americans. For reasons unknown, TMJ affects more women than men. Fortunately, there is a solution. TMJ therapy in Coral Springs is offered at Coral Springs Dentistry. Our dentists will evaluate your jaw and bite and prescribe a custom-fitted night guard to relieve all of your symptoms.

Fundamentals of TMJ

You have two temporomandibular joints located on either side of your face, right in front of each ear. Each joint is comprised of bone, muscle and cartilage. And while the motion of opening and closing your mouth to eat, speak or laugh may seem simple, the operation of this delicate joint is anything but simple. A traumatic facial injury, teeth grinding and clenching, daily stress or arthritis in the joint can easily throw the system out of balance.

Symptoms of TMJ

Pain in the jaw, ear, neck and shoulder is the most common complaint among TMJ sufferers. Moderate to severe pain can happen whenever you attempt to move your lower jaw up and down or side to side.

Other symptoms are:

  • A popping sound when you open or close your mouth
  • Feeling like your jaw is stuck in one position
  • An earache, but no infection
  • A toothache, but no sign of decay or infection
  • Facial swelling
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Facial muscles that feel weak or slightly numb

Treating TMJ in Coral Springs

Your Coral Springs dentist will routinely examine your jaw, bite and alignment for signs of TMJ disorder. If he finds evidence of unbalance and you report feeling common symptoms, then a custom-fitted night guard will be prescribed. This comfortable oral appliance is made of smooth plastic. Worn at night, it prevents your upper and lower teeth from meeting so you cannot grind and clench. Bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching) is one of the leading causes of TMJ disorder and is also a distinct problem on its own.

Other steps that may be helpful include reducing stress through exercise and yoga; temporarily eating a soft diet; facial massage; ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief.

Call Our Office Today for TMJ Therapy in Coral Springs

If you’ve noticed any of TMJ’s symptoms, then contact our office. Your dentist in Coral Springs can diagnose and treat your TMJ so pain and discomfort are no longer a problem.

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