Veneers or Crowns—Which Treatment Is Best For You?

April 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralsprings @ 2:45 pm
woman smiling in Coral Springs

Do you have one or more teeth that have mild imperfections? Most people would expect to need restorative treatments like dental crowns to address it. However, you could also consider getting veneers to cover up most flaws. But which procedure would be best for your smile? Keep reading to learn whether veneers or crowns are the right treatment to get in the long run!

What Are Veneers & Crowns?

Porcelain veneers are contact-lens thin shells that are bonded to the front of your prepared teeth. Your dentist will need to shave off a tiny portion of each pearly white before cementing the durable layers on. Afterwards, the veneers will feel as part of your natural smile.

Dental crowns are porcelain caps that cover damaged teeth. They are also durable and tooth-colored, designed to match the appearance and function of strong and healthy pearly whites. Your dentist will likewise have to shave down a portion of your existing teeth, but the amount will vary depending on your situation.

The Differences Between Veneers vs. Crowns

While both treatments serve similar roles for addressing minor imperfections, they also have the following differences:

  • Purpose: Crowns are meant to restore your smile as well as improve its appearance. This is especially necessary for severely decayed teeth or after getting a root canal, as you’ll need the strength and function again for quality dental health. Veneers are primarily cosmetic, meaning they mostly cover up flaws—like chipped, stained, misshapen, or misaligned pearly whites.
  • Structure: Veneers only cover the front of your teeth, meaning you’ll still need to preserve the natural backside. Crowns are three-dimensional and completely replace the grinding side.
  • Cost: The price for both veneers and crowns depends on the complexity of your procedure. However, crowns are typically covered by dental insurance because of their primary restorative functions.

Which Treatment Should You Get?

If you want to mainly enhance the appearance of your smile, then you’ll probably want veneers. Should you require a replacement for damaged teeth, crowns would be your best option. Additionally, while you can get veneers on your molars, they won’t be able to handle the pressure from chewing like crowns can.

Both veneers and crowns are effective and long-lasting treatments. Whichever you choose, you can be sure to enjoy a fully restored smile again!

About the Author

Dr. Walter K. Kulick has been delivering excellent, comprehensive, and passionate dental care for over four decades. He received his dental degree from the University of Pennsylvania and is a member of the American and Florida Dental Associations. He provides multiple advanced treatments, including veneers and crowns to help you achieve strong and healthy teeth. If you’d like to schedule a consultation for veneers or crowns, visit his website or reach him at 954-341-0500.

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